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Int. j. morphol ; 38(3): 596-601, June 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098293


Las valvas cardíacas y especialmente la valva atrioventricular izquierda (VAVI) ha sido considerada por largo tiempo, como una estructura pasiva. Sin embargo, han surgido nuevas teorías que reconocen a esta estructura como una "valva viva", con un funcionamiento de mayor autonomía y dinámico. En esta línea, existen estudios en donde se ha concluido que la ausencia de tejidos contráctiles en una valva, generan ondulaciones no fisiológicas. Por el contrario, se ha señalado la presencia de tejido contráctil en la valva, lo que refleja una activación ondulante. Basado en lo anterior, el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la presencia de fibras musculares cardíacas en las cúspides de la VAVI. Se utilizaron 12 cúspides, 6 anteriores y 6 posteriores, de 7 cadáveres adultos (4) y lactantes (3) de distintas edades, sin patologías cardíacas. Las muestras pertenecían a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Estadual de Ciencias da Saúde de Alagoas, Maceió, Brasil. Estas muestras fueron tratadas con procesamiento histológico de rutina. Los hallazgos morfológicos a un aumento de 4x mostraron células musculares que fueron visibles principalmente por el lado atrial en la totalidad de las cúspides, tanto inmersas en el tejido conectivo denso del anillo fibroso como en el tejido conectivo laxo. Al verificar la naturaleza de las fibras con un aumento mayor (100x), se detectaron estrías transversales en todas las muestras estudiadas, lo cual afirma la presencia de fibras musculares estríadas cardíacas en la VAVI. Los resultados obtenidos aportan al conocimiento de la microestructura y tejido contráctil de las cúspides de la VAVI. Por lo tanto, resulta de gran relevancia seguir profundizando en los conocimientos morfológicos de la VAVI, para sentar una base sólida sobre la microestructura contráctil en los diferentes estadíos del ser humano.

Cardiac valves and particularly, the left atrioventricular valve (LAVV) have long been considered passive structures. Nonetheless, there are more recent hypothesis that recognize this structure as a "living valve", with greater autonomy and dynamic function. Along these lines, some studies have concluded that the absence of contractile tissues in a valve, generates non-physiological undulations. In contrast, the presence of contractile tissue in the valve has been reported, reflecting a waving activation. Based on the above, the objective of the present study was to determine the presence of cardiac muscle fibers in the cusps of the LAVV. 12 cusps, 6 anterior and 6 posterior. Therefore, 7 adult (4) and lactating (3) bodies of different ages without cardiac pathologies were used. The samples belonged to the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidade de Ciencias da Saude de Alagos, Maceió, Brazil. The samples were treated with routine histological processing. Morphological findings at an increase of 4x showed muscle cells that were visible mainly from the atrial side in all the cusps, both immersed in the dense connective tissue of the fibrous ring and in loose connective tissue. Transverse striations were detected in all samples studied, when verifying the nature of the fibers with greater increase (100x), confirming the presence of cardiac striated muscle fibers in the LAVV. The results obtained contribute to the knowledge of the microstructure and contractile tissue of the LAVV cusps. Therefore it is relevant to further morphological knowledge of this valve, in order to build a solid foundation on the contractile microstructure in the different stages of the human development.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adult , Mitral Valve/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Heart/anatomy & histology
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(3): 307-314, set. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058701


RESUMEN Introducción: Las alteraciones del sistema vestibular como la hipofunción vestibular unilateral, predisponen al usuario a sufrir caídas alterando así su confianza. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto de la rehabilitación vestibular en el riesgo de caídas y el grado de confianza en mujeres con hipofunción vestibular unilateral. Material y método: Se realiza estudio prospectivo en 20 pacientes de género femenino mayores de 60 años con diagnóstico de patología vestibular periférica. Se evalúa el riesgo de caídas con escala Tinetti y el grado de confianza al realizar actividades de la vida diaria por medio de la escala ABC (Activities-specific Balance Confidence), antes y después de realizar terapia de rehabilitación vestibular (RV). Resultados: Las dos variables estudiadas Tinetti y escala ABC demostraron mejoras significativas en la mayoría de las pacientes, demostrando que a medida que aumenta el grado de confianza disminuye el riesgo de caídas. Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos de este estudio sugieren que la terapia de RV es eficiente en mejorar el riesgo de caídas y favorecer el aumento de confianza en las actividades de la vida diaria en el grupo de pacientes estudiadas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Changes in the vestibular system, such as unilateral vestibular hypo-function, predispose the user to suffer falls, thus altering his confidence. Aim: To determine the impact of vestibular rehabilitation on the risk of falls and the degree of confidence in women with unilateral vestibular hypofunction. Material and method: A prospective study was conducted in 20 female patients over 60 years of age with a diagnosis of peripheral vestibular pathology. The risk of falls with a Tinetti scale and the degree of confidence in carrying out activities of daily living are evaluated through the ABC scale (Activities-specific Balance Confidence), before and after performing vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT). Results: The two variables studied, Tinetti and ABC scale showed significant improvements in most of the patients, demonstrating that as the degree of confidence increases the risk of falls decreases. Conclusion: The results obtained from this study suggest that VRT is efficient in improving the risk of falls and favoring an increase in confidence in the activities of daily life in the group of patients studied.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Accidental Falls/prevention & control , Vestibular Diseases/psychology , Vestibular Diseases/rehabilitation , Risk Assessment , Activities of Daily Living , Prospective Studies , Trust , Postural Balance
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20180608. 93 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1341946


El cuidado de enfermería se fundamenta en las interacciones que establecen el paciente y el equipo de enfermería en diferentes escenarios; en este caso, en el trabajo de parto de adolescentes, que es elegido debido a las situaciones particulares físicas, psicológicas y sociales. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la interacción en el cuidado de enfermería desde la percepción de adolescentes que cursaron un trabajo de parto eutócico, en un hospital de segundo nivel en el Estado de México. Realizado con enfoque cualitativo a través del método fenomenológico, los datos se obtuvieron con entrevistas semiestructuradas. La percepción de la interacción en el cuidado de enfermería es descrita por las participantes a través de cinco categorías: "Hegemonía técnica", "comunicación", "emociones y sentimientos/positivos y negativos", "necesidades/afectivas y físicas" y "comportamientos/asertivos y agresivos" La primera categoría tiene relación con: el poder en los procedimientos que se ejercen en la práctica hospitalaria. La segunda hace referencia a la importancia que tiene la comunicación para establecer una interacción terapéutica. La tercera implica a las emociones y sentimientos que se presentan alrededor del proceso de trabajo de parto. En la cuarta se abordan las necesidades afectivas y fiscas de las adolescentes en torno al periodo de trabajo de parto. Por último, se exponen los comportamientos del personal de salud que se relacionan con las jóvenes, de los cuales surgen dos subcategorías, la conducta asertiva y la conducta agresiva en donde se hace referencia a un importante tema; la violencia obstétrica. De esta manera, la interacción en el cuidado de enfermería fue descrita como los procedimientos y rutinas regidos por la institución hospitalaria. El cuidado de enfermería quedo invisible al no lograr diferenciarse del resto de profesionales que prestan servicios de salud, ya que el concepto otorgado sobre la practica enfermera/ o cubre mayormente la concepción técnica.

Nursing care is fundamental in exchanges which establish between patient and nursing team in different situations, about this to be in labor childbirth in adolescents. This topic has chosen because physical, psychological and social situations. The objective was analyzed the interaction in the nursing care who nowadays adolescents who are in eutocic labor childbirth in a hospital of level second In the State of Mexico. This work has done with qualitative object through phenomenological method, the answers were obtained with a semi-structured interview. The interaction perception in the nursing care is described by the participants through five categories, technical hegemony communication, emotions and positives feelings, negative feelings, affective needs physical and assertive, aggressive behaviors. The first category has relation with the power in the ways that they are in the hospital practice. The second refers to the importance the communication has to establish a therapeutic interaction. The third involves the emotions and feelings that show around the labor childbirth. The fourth addresses the affective and physical needs of adolescents about time labor childbirth; finally it expos personal behaviors of health which have relation with adolescents that there is two subcategories, assertive and aggressive behaviors, that it is an important topic, the obstetric violence. In this way the interaction in nursing care were procedure and routing based by hospitable institution. Nursing care stayed invisible if it not get difference others professionals that they work in health services, the concept delivered on practice nurse is in general the technical conception.

Humans , Perception , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Health Services Needs and Demand , Interpersonal Relations , Methods , Nursing Care
Rev. chil. nutr ; 43(3): 279-283, set. 2016. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-830136


The high bacterial / ml registration of raw milk, over 400 thousand in the Cesar forced to seek technological alternatives for reducing it at the origen. International institutes have made significant progress in conservation of maternal milk with UV rays without altering its nutritional properties. Additionally, the amount and diameters of MFG could be optically quantified in cow's raw milk and breast milk by obtaining and digital image processing, finding an average of 5.1 microns in average size of milk fat globules. This is a first determinant to potentiate the use of ultraviolet rays on the site of origin of bovine milk to lower microbial load of pathogen.

El alto registro bacteriano / ml de leche cruda, más de 400 mil en el Cesar obliga a buscar alternativas tecnológicas para su reducción en origen, institutos internacionales han logrado avances significativos en conservación de leches maternas con rayos UV sin alterar sus propiedades nutritivas. Se pudo cuantificar ópticamente la cantidad y diámetros de los GGL en leche cruda de vaca y leche materna mediante la obtención y procesamiento digital de imágenes, encontrándose un promedio de 5,1 micrómetros en el tamaño promedio de los glóbulos grasos lácteos. Este es un primer parámetro determinante para potencializar el uso de los rayos ultravioleta en el sitio de origen de leche bovina para bajar carga microbiana de patógenos.

Humans , Bacteria , Ultraviolet Rays , Dietary Fats , Milk , Breast-Milk Substitutes , Food Production
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 41(3): 27-33, 2016. Tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016260


A pesar de los grandes avances en la cardiología en el siglo XX y XXI, la insuficiencia cardiaca sigue suponiendo la principal causa de hospitalización en las personas ancianas y presentando un pronóstico ominoso. Además, a pesar de los múltiples estudios sobre nuevas dianas farmacológicas, apenas hemos avanzado en el campo del tratamiento, tal vez porque aún existen lagunas en su fisiopatología. No debemos olvidar que la insuficiencia cardiaca es un compendio de signos y síntomas que engloban múltiples órganos y sistemas. Mucho se está investigando sobre la relación entre riñón y corazón en forma de síndrome cardiorrenal. Algo cada vez más en boga es el papel del abdomen en la disfunción orgánica de la insuficiencia cardiaca. En ese sentido, el sistema venoso contiene el 70 por ciento del volumen sanguíneo, siendo almacenado en su mayor parte dentro de las vísceras abdominales. Un aumento del tono simpático supone aumento intenso del retorno venoso tan importante como para aumentar las presiones de llenado y justificar una descompensación cardíaca. La congestión sistémica determina un aumento en la presión intraabdominal que está correlacionada con la disfunción renal en la insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada. La hipoperfusión tisular intestinal supone microtraslocación bacteriana promoviendo el status proinflamatorio típico de este síndrome. La visión holística e integrada de la insuficiencia cardiaca puede suponer un avance tanto en la estratificación del riesgo como en las estrategias terapéuticas. Grandes pasos se están dando en este sentido con estudios sobre la ultrafiltración, paracentesis, diálisis peritoneal, suero hipertónico o fármacos adsorbentes del sodio.(AU)

Despite the great progress in Cardiology during the last century, heart failure keeps being the main cause of hospitalization among elderly, with an awful prognosis. In spite of multiple studies about drug targets, we have hardly made progress regarding the treatment, maybe because there are gaps concerning physiopathology. Heart failure is a set of signs and symptoms encompassing multiple organs and systems. Lots of studies about cardiorenal syndrome are being published. In this sense, abdominal contribution to organic dysfunction in heart failure is becoming a rising topic. Therefore, venous system contains 70 percent of the total blood volume, mostly in splanchnic capacitance veins. Sympathetic stimulation suppose an important shift of blood from splanchnic veins to effective circulatory volume, rising increasing filling pressures and justifying acute decompensated heart failure. Systemic congestion may lead to a state of increased intra-abdominal pressure which is correlated with renal dysfunction in advanced heart failure. Tisular hypoperfusion leads to bacterial translocation triggering systemic inflammation typical of heart failure. This holyistic vision may suppose an important progress on risk stratification and treatment strategies. Among those under investigation are ultrafiltration, paracentesis peritoneal dialyisis, hypertonic saline or oral sodium binders.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Cardio-Renal Syndrome , Splanchnic Circulation , Abdomen , Heart , Heart Diseases
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(6): 1867-1875, Dec. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-696873


Avaliaram-se as características da carcaça de cabritos Saanen confinados, Saanen e 7/8 Boer - 1/8 Saanen semiconfinados, bem como a influência de grupo genético e sistema de terminação sobre o rendimento comercial, índice de compacidade, não constituintes, área de olho de lombo, força de cisalhamento, gordura, teor de umidade e teor de extrato etéreo. Utilizaram-se 31 machos inteiros, com aproximadamente 128 dias de idade e 22,9±2,4kg de peso vivo. Destes, 22 eram da raça Saanen e nove animais eram mestiços 7/8 Boer - 1/8 Saanen. Os animais da raça Saanen foram divididos em dois grupos de 11 animais, sendo um grupo mantido em confinamento e outro em semiconfinamento, enquanto os mestiços foram mantidos em semiconfinamento. Compararam-se os sistemas de terminação na raça Saanen, e os grupos genéticos no sistema semiconfinado. Os animais confinados receberam 3,5% do PV em ração completa peletizada; os semiconfinados tiveram acesso à pastagem e suplementação de 1,5% do PV em ração concentrada peletizada. Aos 47 dias de terminação, os animais foram abatidos e as características de carcaça determinadas por meio de uma amostra de lombo dissecado. Foram observadas diferenças entre sistemas de terminação para rendimento comercial de carcaça, índice de compacidade da carcaça, não constituintes de carcaça, área de olho de lombo, força de cisalhamento, gordura, teor de umidade e de extrato etéreo. Entre os grupos genéticos, foram observadas diferenças para área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura e matéria mineral. O sistema de terminação exerceu influência sobre as características de carcaça avaliadas. A raça Saanen pode ser utilizada para a produção de carne quando submetida ao confinamento.

Was evaluated carcass characteristics of feedlot goats Saanen, Saanen and 7/8 Boer - 1/8 Saanen semi-confined, as well as the influence of the genetic groups and finishing systems on the commercial performance, compactness index, not constituents, area ribeye, shear force, fat, moisture and ether extract content. Were used 31 bulls, with approximately 128 days of age and 22.9±2.4kg live weight (LW). Of these, 22 were Saanen, and nine animals were crossbred 7/8 Boer - 1/8 Saanen. The Saanen animals were divided into two groups of 11 animals each, one group and another kept in a feedlot in semiconfinement, while crossbreds were kept in semiconfinement. Was compared the finishing systems in Saanen, and genetic groups in semi-confined system. The confined animals received 3.5% of LW in complete pelleted ration, the semiconfinados had access to pasture and supplementation of 1.5% of LW in pelleted concentrate ration. At 47 days of terminating the animals were slaughtered and the carcass characteristics determined using a sample loin dissected. Differences were observed between finishing systems for commercial carcass yield, carcass compactness index, not constituents carcass, loin eye area, shear force, fat, moisture and ether extract. Between genetic groups, differences were observed for ribeye area, fat thickness and mineral matter. The finishing system exerted influence on carcass traits evaluated. The Saanen can be used for the production of meat when subjected to confinement.

Animals , Meat/analysis , Genetics , Goats/classification
Acta odontol. venez ; 49(2)2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-678808


El quiste óseo simple, solitario ó traumático, se define como una cavidad intraósea vacía, revestida por una delgada membrana fibrovascular que carece de revestimiento epitelial. Es una lesión infrecuente, con una incidencia estimada en 1,2% de los quistes maxilares y en 2% de todos los que aparecen en el resto de huesos del organismo. Se desconoce su etiopatogenia, aunque la mayoría de autores señalan que se relaciona con un hecho traumático precedente. La localización más frecuente es la sínfisis y cuerpo mandibular. Usualmente se diagnostica como hallazgo accidental en exámenes radiográficos. El manejo terapéutico de este tipo de patología es básicamente quirúrgico. El propósito de este trabajo es reportar el caso de una paciente femenina de 18 años de edad, atendida en la Cátedra de Cirugía Bucal de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Los Andes, y que en examen radiográfico de rutina presentó una lesión pseudoquística mandibular de tipo quiste óseo simple, que fue tratada quirúrgicamente y sometida a controles postoperatorios clínicos y radiográficos periódicos, con resultados satisfactorios. El caso reseñado demuestra la importancia de realizar un continuo reporte y descripción de series de casos particulares, con la finalidad de registrar y obtener datos precisos para el reconocimiento y análisis exhaustivo de estas patologías

The simple, solitary or traumatic bone cyst is defined as an intraosseous empty cavity, lined by a thin fibrovascular membrane lacking of an epithelial lining. It is an uncommon lesion, with an incidence estimated in 1.2% of the maxillary cysts and in 2% of all those on the other bones. Its pathogenesis is unknown, although most authors note that is related to a previous traumatic event. The most common site is the mandibular symphysis and body. Is usually diagnosed as incidental findings on radiographic examinations. The therapeutic management of this disease is primarily surgical. The purpose of this paper is to report the case of a female patient of 18 years of age, served at the Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Los Andes, that had a routine radiographic examination and presented a pseudoquistic jaw injury like simple bone cyst, which was treated by surgery and regular clinical and radiographic postoperative controls, with satisfactory results. The reported case demonstrates the relevance of continuing series reports and description of cases, in order to register and obtain accurate data for the recognition and analysis of these pathologies

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Surgery, Oral , Mandible/surgery , Mandible/pathology , Mandible , Bone Cysts/surgery , Bone Cysts , Dentistry
Rev. méd. Chile ; 137(9): 1187-1192, sep. 2009. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-534020


Background: Factors such as personal issues, family, sexuality and sexual partner characteristics are strongly associated with contraceptive continuation among single, nulliparous female adolescents. Aim To determine factors associated to contraceptive maintenance among female nulliparous adolescents. Material and methods: A cohort of 2,811 adolescents, who confidentially requested contraception in a sexual and reproductive health university center from 1990 to 2006 was analyzed. Two years after the request, their clinical records were reviewed to determine the time and length of contraception. Using life table analysis, the variables related to continuation or discontinuation of contraception were identified. Results: Factors associated with a longer contraceptive use were a lower age at the moment of initiating the method, a better academic achievement and aspirations, higher schooling of the partner, higher age of the mother, having an adolescent mother, supervision of permissions by people different than parents and not attending to religious services. Variables associated with a higher risk for abandonment were a higher age of the adolescent, greater number of sexual partners, lack of communication with parents, non-catholic religious affiliation, use of oral hormonal contraceptive, greater number of siblings, commenting sexual issues with relatives or friends, having a partner without academic activity or working and to live without parents. Conclusions: Several personal, familial and environmental factors influence contraceptive use continuity among adolescents (RevMéd Chile 2009; 137:1187-92).

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Contraception Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Contraception , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Age Factors , Contraception/methods , Educational Status , Family Relations , Parity , Religion , Sexual Partners , Young Adult
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(3): 307-316, mar. 2007. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-456616


Background: Mechanical ventilation may contribute to lung injury and then enhance systemic inflammation. Optimal ventilatory parameters such as tidal volume (V T) and positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) can be determined using different methods. Low flow pressure volume (P/V-LF) curve is a useful tool to assess the respiratory system mechanics and set ventilatory parameters. Aim: To set V T and PEEP according P/V-LF curve analysis and evaluate its effects on gas exchange and hemodynamic parameters. Materials and methods: Twenty seven patients underwent P/V-LF within the first 72 hours of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS). P/V-LF curves were obtained from the ventilator and both lower and upper inflexion points determined. Gas exchange and hemodynamic parameters were measured before and after modifying ventilator settings guided by P/V-LF curves. Results: Ventilatory parameters set according P/V-LF curve, led to a rise of PEEP and reduction of V T: 11.6±2.8 to 14.1±2.1 cm H2O, and 9.7±2.4 to 8.8±2.2 mL/kg (p <0.01). Arterial to inspired oxygen fraction ratio increased from 158.0±66 to 188.5±68.5 (p <0.01), and oxygenation index was reduced, 13.7±8.2 to 12.3±7.2 (p <0.05). Cardiac output and oxygen delivery index (IDO2) were not modified. Demographic data, gas exchange improvement and respiratory system mechanics showed no significant difference between patients with extra-pulmonary and pulmonary ALI/ARDS. There was no evidence of significant adverse events related with this technique. Conclusion: P/V-LF curves information allowed us to adjust ventilatory parameters and optimize gas exchange without detrimental effects on oxygen delivery in mechanically ventilated ALI/ARDS patients.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hemodynamics/physiology , Positive-Pressure Respiration , Respiration, Artificial/standards , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/physiopathology , Blood Gas Analysis , Prospective Studies , Reference Standards , Respiration, Artificial/adverse effects , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/blood , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/etiology , Tidal Volume/physiology
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-210499


Se estudiaron adolescentes con antecedentes de violación. Se compararon dos grupos, adolescentes con violación intrafamiliar y adolescentes con violación extrafamiliar. A todas se les aplicó una entrevista en profundidad y un cuestionario al ingreso. Se seleccionaron 21 variables sico-sociales, 10 personales y 11 familiares. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que las variables asociadas al alto riesgo de violación intrafamiliar son: menor edad de la adolescente y de la madre, estudiante, maltrato previo, presencia del padrastro y alcoholismo paterno

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Epidemiologic Factors , Family , Rape/statistics & numerical data , Alcoholism , Disabled Children , Maternal Age , Parents , Retrospective Studies , Socioeconomic Factors , Domestic Violence/statistics & numerical data
Rev. chil. cir ; 42(4): 385-9, dic. 1990.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-96744


Partiendo de la premisa de que todas las enfermedades, tienen un contexto psíquico y somático y que el trauma puede obedecer a algún factor de riesgo, decidimos estudiar la esfera psíquica de un grupo de cincuenta traumatizados. Se les aplicó protocolo que incluía datos personales, nivel intelectual, visión del paciente, accidentabilidad previa y efecto de alcohol y drogas. La mayoría de nuestros pacientes tienen nivel intelectual menos de 80, estudios básicos y son trabajadores normales, 50% bajo la influencia del alcohol. Se hace consideraciones acerca de violencia en el mundo y de la relación médico-paciente en una condición tan especial como es en el servicio de urgencia

Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Humans , Male , Female , Accidents , Wounds and Injuries/psychology , Alcohol Drinking , Educational Status , Intelligence , Risk Factors , Social Conditions